- The E-Verify search tool only includes employers, E-Verify employer agents, and federal contractors who self-reported that they had five or more employees at the time they enrolled.
- USCIS updates the search tool data quarterly.
- The public may not recognize business names that employers use.
Example: An employer enrolls in E-Verify using their business name (e.g., Baristas Incorporated), but the public may only recognize their DBA name (e.g., Coffee First). If a user searches for the DBA name (Coffee First), the search tool will not recognize it because the employer enrolled using their business name.
- If the search tool results include the name of a business that has more than one hiring site or business location, it does not necessarily mean that all of the hiring sites are enrolled in E-Verify. A hiring site is the location where the employer hires employees and completes Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification. Employers with multiple locations may choose which of their sites participate in E-Verify.
Example: A user may search for Candy Company and find a listing for Candy Company in the search tool. That does not mean every Candy Company store across the United States is enrolled in E-Verify.
- The search tool can identify hiring site location(s), by state, but does not provide the addresses of each hiring site.